Elementor #172

What’s Your Legacy?

“If you’re going to live, leave a legacy.  Make a mark on the world that can’t be erased.” – Maya Angelou

I was having a conversation with my daughter, and she asked what will be your legacy? This was a difficult question for me. Mainly because I lost my mother and father in my formative years, and no one ever mentioned the word legacy. The sad notion that in many ways I raised myself, lives very real in my soul. I never really gave much thought about legacy until my daughter inquired.

As I pondered, I thought of course my children are my legacy. Being an extension of the bloodline for generations to come. I challenged myself and questioned, do I really know the meaning of legacy? It’s defined by Webster’s as a gift by will especially of money or other personal property; something transmitted by or received from an ancestor or predecessor or from the past.  After reading the definition, I thought that it was more about giving material things. While that’s important to leave things such as real estate, stocks and bonds to your children,  I thought more about the true gifts of sharing wisdom, values, and love. The things that money can’t buy and can be passed on for generations.

What legacy of wisdom have I shared? We are often so busy dealing with the day-to-day life, that we miss opportunities to share wisdom. Not only wisdom we’ve learned over the years, but wisdom from our ancestors. Since my daughter hasn’t had the pleasure of meeting her maternal grandmother, I’ve started to share things I learned from my mother. Her funny sayings, stories about her interactions with her family and friends. My daughter has matured to where she’s interested in cooking, so I now share my mother’s recipes.  

While we may think that making a mark on the world has to be some grand impact, our mark is significant in the lives of others. The wisdom, values and love that we give is passed on in ways and multiples by a pass it forward effect. Each person we touch, we pour into can pass this on in quiet ways and have such a mighty impact.

Have you left a legacy in someone’s life?